The Archives
Images of Bean Blossom
Reprinted from Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine March 1985, Volume 19, Number 9 If it weren’t for a small road sign announcing the eye-blink of a town named Bean Blossom, we might have driven the length of Indiana’s Route 135 and never noticed Bill Monroe’s place. The memories come from 1978 but Bean Blossom seems timeless to…
Wes Golding
Reprinted from Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine April 1989, Volume 23, Number 10 Wesley Golding is already well known to most bluegrass fans as a key member of the 1970s supergroup Boone Creek. Highly regarded as a powerful, innovative singer and guitarist in his own right, Golding is also well remembered for his productive stints with the…
Jim & Jesse — Reprising Their “Epic” Best
Reprinted from Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine August 1986, Volume 21, Number 2 The fine bluegrass Jim and Jesse McReynolds recorded for Epic in the early 1960s and released on albums and 45s has long been out of print in the United States. In the early 1970s Jim and Jesse rereleased in a twin-pak consisting of replicas…
Charlie Moore
Reprinted From Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine January 1973, Volume 7, Number 7 Among the people who have given bluegrass music some of its important milestones, Charlie Moore ranks among the pioneers. Though North Carolina has produced a number of the giants among bluegrass, South Carolina also had its share including Don Reno and Charlie Moore. Statistics:…
Jim Eanes
Reprinted from Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine May 1987, Volume 21, Number 11 Among the musicians who pioneered in the development of bluegrass music, one of the most gifted and enduring was “Smilin’ ” Jim Eanes from Martinsville, Virginia. His contributions to the music are many, both in terms of fronting a very popular and successful band…
Master of the Dobro—LeRoy Mack
Reprinted from Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine January 1991, Volume 25, Number 7 The great Dobroist LeRoy (Mack) McNees, best known as a member of the Kentucky Colonels from the late ’50s to the early ’60s, is alive and well in Sun Valley, California, in the L.A. area. He’s a prosperous businessman, owner-manager of Rusmar High Lift…