Scruggs Style Phrases over the C chord
In this video lesson, one in a series that focuses on adding to your Scruggs style vocabulary, Dan Miller demonstrates eight different phrases that can be played over the C chord.
“Nine Pound Hammer” Banjo Solo
In this video lesson Dan Miller presents a banjo solo to “Nine Pound Hammer” using a number of the Scruggs style phrases over the G chord that have been presented in the previous videos on building a Scruggs style banjo vocabulary.
“Blackjack” solo for the Fiddle
In this fiddle lesson video Mike Mitchell teaches you how to play a fiddle solo to J.D. Crowe’s “Blackjack” based on a Mark O’Connor solo taken from a YouTube video of O’Connor performing the tune in a live show with J.D. Crowe.
“Blue Ridge Cabin Home” Banjo Solo
In this video lesson Dan Miller presents a banjo solo to “Blue Ridge Cabin Home” using a number of the Scruggs style phrases over the G chord that have been presented in the previous videos on building a Scruggs style banjo vocabulary.
Dobro Rhythm Technique
In this video lesson Dobro master Billy Cardine explains and demonstrates a Dobro rhythm technique that can be used when you want to help your rhythm accompaniment on the Dobro have a fuller sound than what is typical when using a chop or roll.
Basic Scruggs Phrases – Part 4
In this video lesson, Dan Miller continues with his series on building a Scruggs style banjo vocabulary. In this lesson he shows some more phrases that can be played over the G chord and then demonstrates now one might combine some of the phrases shown in all of the lessons posted to date. A banjo…