“Toy Heart” Fiddle Solo
In this video Austin Scelzo teaches Bobby Hicks’ fiddle solo for “Toy Heart” as part of his Bobby Hicks fiddle series.
“Red Haired Boy” Play-along
In this video Mike Mitchell provides beginners with a “play-along” video for the fiddle tune “Red Haired Boy.” The play-along is presented at a slow tempo and you have the opportunity to practice your rhythm while Mike plays the melody and then practice your solo while Mike plays back-up. A transcription of Mike’s fiddle solo,…
“Is It Too Late Now” on the Fiddle
In this video Austin Scelzo teaches Bobby Hicks’ fiddle solo for “Is It Too Late Now” as part of his Bobby Hicks fiddle series.
Arpeggios on the Mandolin – Part 5
In the first four lessons of this video series, Dan Miller addressed various aspects of learning and utilizing the major chord triad arpeggio. This fifth lesson in the series moves on to take a look at the minor chord triad arpeggio and the seventh chord arpeggio.
Arpeggios on the Mandolin – Part 4
In this video, Dan Miller presents Part 4 of taking a series of videos that take a look at playing arpeggios on the mandolin. Here he discusses using arpeggios in the context of playing fiddle tunes by taking a look at the tune “Woodchopper’s Reel” and its use of arpeggios runs in the formation of…
“Limerock” on the fiddle – Part 2
In this video lesson, Mike Mitchell continues to teach how to play his arrangement of the fiddle tune “Limerock.” This is part 2 of the “Limerock” lesson.