How to Read Guitar Chords Tristan Scroggins Bluegrass Unlimited
In this video lesson from Tristan Scroggins you will learn how to read guitar chords if you are not a guitar player and want to watch a guitar player to learn the chord changes in a jam session. A very useful tool!
Here is on outline of the video content:
0:00 intro
1:17 Open position chords (G,C,D)
3:08 Play along with open position
4:57 Capo explanation
6:50 Chords in capo 2 (A,D,E)
7:42 Play along with capo 2
8:42 Capo 3 (Bb,Eb,F)
9:06 Capo 4 (B,E,F#)
9:20 Capo 5 (C,F,G)
9:49 F chord vs C chord
10:17 Play along in C (open position)
10:44 Extra chords (II,ii,VI,vi)
12:30 Extra chords in capo 2
12:59 Play along in capo 2 with extra chords
14:43 Play along in C (open) with extra chords
15:28 Visualization of all chords open-capo 5
17:20 How to support