Jam Tracks

Cherokee Shuffle

Here is a jam track for the tune “Cherokee Shuffle”. The track is in the key of A and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request, we have added…

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More Pretty Girls Than One

Here is a jam track for the tune “More Pretty Girls Than One”. The track is in the key of D and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request,…

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Blueridge Cabin Home

Here is a jam track for the tune “Blueridge Cabin Home”. The track is in the key of A and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request, we have…

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Blackberry Blossom

Here is a jam track for the tune “Blackberry Blossom”. The track is in the key of G and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request, we have added…

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Sally Goodin

Here is a jam track for the tune “Sally Goodin”. The track is in the key of A and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request, we have added…

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Here is a jam track for the tune “Liberty”. The track is in the key of D and played at full tempo. If the tempo is not right for you, you can slow it down or speed it up using the “Playback” selection in the “Settings” menu. Due to subscriber request, we have added a…

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