No Label, No Number.
Staninec is an Oregon-based fiddler who is making quite a name for herself, appearing on recordings by Laurie Lewis and Kathy Kallick, among others. In this book, she has transcribed 46 fiddle solos from a wide range of fiddlers including Kenny Baker, Curly Ray Cline, Stuart Duncan, Benny Martin, and Ron Stewart to name a few. Each transcription has its own page with notes as to the source and any special tips for that tune. These are not easy solos to perform. They range through several keys and include signature licks of some of the very best fiddlers of the genre.
There are sound files for each tune on her website. She plays each solo slow and then fast. There are no dedicated instrumentals here. These breaks are taken from well-known songs in bluegrass and often the classic recording of that song. The advancing fiddler who learns these breaks will equip themselves with the knowledge and chops to handle just about any situation in which they have to come up with that certain lick. The songs are well-known enough that playing these breaks as they stand at a local jam will turn more than a few heads.
This is a powerful tool for the advancing fiddler. The information in this book will move the student along on their fiddling journey.RCB