IssueM Articles
Volume Five – Down In A Cell
VOLUME FIVE DOWN IN A CELL Mountain Fever Records MFR100817 Although Down In A Cell is the first album by a band that debuted three years ago, each member of Volume Five has held tenure with national touring bands prior to their collective start. Mississippian Glen Harrell, who had fiddled with Marty Raybon and Full…
The Bankesters
THE BANKESTERS Blue Circle Records BCR-031 Eleven songs. Eleven different individual writers or writing teams. Six different lead vocalists. That’s the breakdown on the Bankesters third release and first for Blue Circle Records. Some of the songs are country-pop concoctions, the best being the opener “Sure As The Sun,” a catchy, slow and bluesy love…
Brock McGuire Band – Green Grass Blue Grass
BROCK MCGUIRE BAND GREEN GRASS BLUE GRASS ROOTS MUSIC FROM IRELAND & AMERICA Paulman Music PMCD001 Take a first-rate Irish quartet and add four of the best American bluegrass pickers and a member of Elvis Costello’s band, the Sugarcanes, and you get a mighty lively recording that may cause you to get a speeding ticket…
Cumberland River – The Life We Live
CUMBERLAND RIVER THE LIFE WE LIVE Rural Rhythm RUR-1083 Hard times and more hard times. A “Harlan Man” without career options is crushed by falling coal. The ghost of “Mary Flynn,” killed by her lover, walks ceaselessly. Another murdered woman begs “Remember Me,” while other locals suffer with a “Cold And Withered” heart, or in…
Kenny Smith Return
KENNY SMITH RETURN Gat 3 Records No Number Master musicians can do as they please. Consider playing well-known tunes. Where an average musician can include no more than one or two before attracting a jaundiced eye, masters can include as many as they want. On his latest recording Kenny Smith, a master guitarist by any…
Lonesome Highway – Got Away With Murder
LONESOME HIGHWAY GOT AWAY WITH MURDER No Label No Number Seven years have passed since I last reviewed Lonesome Highway. In that time, they have released a second recording, shifted from essentially being a cover band and made several personnel changes. On this their third release, only banjoist John Arnold and mandolinist Jimmy Kountz remain…