IssueM Articles
Shenandoah Drive – Old Dirt Road
SHENANDOAH DRIVE OLD DIRT ROAD No Label No Number Shenandoah Drive hails from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and features Danny Seabolt on guitar, Dave Kirk on mandolin, Gary Reed on bass, Chris King on banjo, and the entire ensemble on vocals. Mason Wright guests on this release and provides fiddle throughout. The band plays…
Various Artists – Fanning The Fire: Bluegrass For A New Generation
VARIOUS ARTISTS FANNING THE FIRE: BLUEGRASS FOR A NEW GENERATION Bluegrass Heritage Foundation No Number You will be enthused about bluegrass after you see this documentary from the Bluegrass Heritage Foundation. Of course, if you’re reading BU, you’re already enthused about bluegrass, but seeing and hearing the shear joy and energy of 16-year-old Lucas White,…
Tommy Webb – From Rock-N-Roll To Bill Monroe
TOMMY WEBB FROM ROCK-N-ROLL TO BILL MONROE No Label No Number Give credit to Tommy Webb. He has a way with titles when it comes to picking songs and albums. Following up an album with a song titled “If It Weren’t For Bluegrass Music (I’d Go Crazy),” his latest offering is From Rock-N-Roll To Bill…
Various Artists – The 1861 Project, Volume 1: From Farmers To Foot Soldiers
VARIOUS ARTISTS THE 1861 PROJECT, VOLUME 1: FROM FARMERS TO FOOT SOLDIERS Cohesion Arts No Number There’s something about a love for bluegrass music that also tends to draw those with a love and appreciation for history. And there’s something about history that is heightened by an outsider’s perspective. This intriguing project is the creation…
Various Artists – Christmas Along The Crooked Road
VARIOUS ARTISTS CHRISTMAS ALONG THE CROOKED ROAD No Label No Number There are, of course, no bad Christmas records, just varying degrees of quality between those that are all-time classics and those that are enjoyable. The sense of the season and the associations and themes the songs recall dictate such. A classic Christmas recording would…
Tussey Mountain Moonshiners – I’m Going Home
TUSSEY MOUNTAIN MOONSHINERS I’M GOING HOME No Label, No Number From smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvania, the Tussey Mountain Moonshiners leap off the first track with a hard-charging version of “Hello City Limits” that would make Country Gazette proud. Winners of the 2010 DelFest band competition, the Tussey Mountain Moonshiners exude rich talent,…