IssueM Articles
Fullcord This first-rate veteran band (14 years and counting) more or less represents the cream of the crop of Michigan’s thriving bluegrass community. Their new album, recorded in Lansing, showcases not only a boat-load of raw energy and ultra-tight picking, but also features some fascinating and provocative original songs. “Downtown,” with its fluid instrumental rides…
Kurt & Andrea Stephenson
Kurt & Andrea Stephenson Traditional bluegrass fans will find a lot to like in the first release by the husband-wife duo of Kurt & Andrea Stephenson. The self-titled album features a dozen tunes that will be familiar to first generation fans. The couple kicks things off with Reno & Smiley’s “Sockeye” and ends with the…
Brand New Good Old Days
Leftover salmon “These are the brand new good old days/ My used to was got stuck in yesterday/ It’s never more now than it is today,” sings guitarist Vince Herman on the title track from Leftover Salmon’s eighth studio album. “Brand New Good Old Days,” is a song so infectious it immediately lodges itself at…
I’m The Happiest When I’m Moving
The Alex Leach Band Esteemed singer/songwriter producer Jim Lauderdale, who has collaborated with everyone from Ralph Stanley to Roland White, produced this album. In the liner notes, Lauderdale calls Leach, a former member of Ralph Stanley II’s band, “one of the most talented musicians I’ve ever met.” I’d be willing to take Lauderdale’s word on…
Bluegrass And The Abstract Truth
Garrison, Gordy, Hargreaves, And Walsh This new project is a collaboration of four musical friends who are long-time veterans of the music industry. Greg Garrison is the bassist and has played with such artists as the Punch Brothers, Lyle Lovett, and Leftover Salmon. Grant Gordy is the guitarist and is a veteran of David Grisman’s…
All Suited Up
The Kody Norris Show For a minute or five, a listener might think they’ve pulled the latest Kody Norris Show CD from the vintage bin, not from the new releases pile of 2021. Don’t let the young face fool you—the sound is deeply traditional on All Suited Up. None other than bluegrass veteran Greg Cahill…