Fire on the Prairie
Jake Leg, based on Colorado’s Front Range is the kind of band that could easily fill up an album with mind-bending hot licks played at extreme speeds. Fortunately for us all, they chose to fill up an album with powerful songwriting, memorable melodies and picking that serves the song first and foremost.
The three original members of the band—Eric Wiggs, guitar; Dylan McCarthy, mandolin; and Justin Hoffenberg, fiddle—are well known for their instrumental prowess playing in a variety of bands over the years and that top-notch playing is well represented here but the songwriting and vocals are equally impressive on this debut recording.
The title track is a spooky minor key song of apocalyptic visions fueled by a furious fiddle. “Jackie,” a wistful song about a friend gone too soon, rises above the melancholy theme with a memorable melodic hook and lyrics that feel both poetic and conversational. The sound of the album is superb, the trio, supported by Bradley Morse on bass, creates a solid groove whether funky, straight up country, waltzing, Celtic or blues. The closer “Floyd Hill” really rips. Each player shines, creating a masterclass in tasteful playing that soars. Jake Leg is one of the finest new acoustic bands you’re going to hear anywhere and you can start by checking out this new album.