The Tradition

The Johnson Mountain Boys: (kneeling left to right) Eddie Stubbs, Ed D’Zmura (standing left to right) Richard Underwood, Larry Robbins, Dudley Connell

The Johnson Mountain Boys

All who love to explore bluegrass music’s history in depth are aware (or arguably should be!) of the longstanding and ever-growing series of books devoted to “Music in American Life,” published by the University of Illinois Press since 1972. As a whole, the catalog of books explores all forms of American vernacular music, documenting not…

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The Reno Family

40 Years Late…and Right On Time This is a noteworthy year in the history of bluegrass music because it is the year that we lost the last of our first-generation heroes.  While a few of those bluegrass trailblazers, like the most recent to leave us—Bobby Osborne and Jesse McReynolds—lived past their 90th birthday, there were…

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Mural in downtown Lansing, North Carolina of Ola Belle Reed, created and painted by Joni Ray of the Ashe County Arts Council. Photo Courtesy of Cathy Fink.

The Songwriting of Ola Belle Reed

“High on a mountain, wind blowing free  Thinking about the days that used to be High on a mountain, standing all alone Wondering where the years of my life have flown” 1 These iconic lyrics by Ola Belle Reed are a right of passage for any bluegrass singer or band.  “I’ve endured, I’ve endured, How…

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My Favorite Memories

Remembering my Friend, Bobby Osborne 1992 I first met Bobby in 1992 while attending the Old Joe Clark Bluegrass Festival in Renfro Valley, Kentucky. This was my first time attending a bluegrass festival and I was carrying around my first guitar for all the artists to sign. I had upgraded to a better instrument so…

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Notes & Queries – September 2023

Queries  Q: Can you tell me who the pickers and singers were on the 1950s recordings of the Country Pardners? Jerry Steinberg, Salem, Virginia. A: The Country Pardners was a short-lived group that came together in 1955 and disbanded two years later. Bill Price, a mandolin player/tenor singer from North Carolina was the founder and…

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Bobby Osborne

Mourning the Loss of a Legend  Photo By Scott Simontacchi The world of bluegrass music mourns the loss of one of its iconic figures with the death of Bobby Osborne. He passed away on June 27 at the age of 91 just four days after his friend—and another legend of the genre—Jesse McReynolds, died. For…

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