The Artists
Talent Directory
The Bluegrass Unlimited Annual Talent Directory lists all artists and bands that requested inclusion in this directory. If you are a performing artist or are in a band and would like to be listed in the future, please email [email protected] with “Talent Directory” as the subject. This directory will also appear on our website and will be…
Missy Raines
Long Journey Home Missy Raines has always been one to straddle the lines between bluegrass music’s insular tradition and its cutting edge. For years, she leaned more towards its contemporary evolution, embracing elements of jazz and Americana in her compositions. But now, as she enters the fifth decade of her illustrious career, she is seeking…
Jamie Johnson
Returns Home to The Grascals Former Grascals lead singer Jamie Johnson is back with the group after leaving the band in 2015. Johnson was a founding member when The Grascals started as Dolly Parton’s road band. After ten years of touring, he decided to step down for help with his depression and alcohol addiction and…
Veteran Sideman Makes Solo Flight
Photos by Haley Gjertsen Mandolin whiz Ashby Frank who lays down the groove for progressive bluegrass group Mountain Heart has spent a quarter of a century recording and touring for other people. But in all that time he hasn’t used his abundance of talent as a singer/songwriter/instrumentalist to showcase his own music until now. His…
The Bluegrass Community’s Utility Artist
Photo by Brad Holbrooks Baseball has a player dubbed utility infielder. Such athletes are typically substitute players who can be used at more than one infield position and are useful members of a roster as they allow a manager to replace several different players on the team to either give them a rest, or because…
The Lady of Tradition
Be Different, Stand Out & Work Your Butt Off Photo by Mickey Stroud Loyal to tradition, yet comfortable with innovation, North Carolina’s Lorraine Jordan might seem like a contradiction and you would be right. Those who know her best acknowledge that she is a total contradiction. Lorraine’s contradictory lifestyle has afforded her much success, earning…